
Monday, June 3, 2013

Rescued Roses etc.

Sometimes it's the little things that have a way of making me rather happy about some of the goofy stuff I do.  Take the desire I had to see my new rose bushes thrive.  In January I discovered that it was a rabbit that was eating on all five of the baby rose bushes I planted in the back... damn rabbit(s).  As mentioned I dug them up and put them in little pots to see if I could prevent them from becoming dinner.
This is them sitting in the little white and slightly larger blue containers I put them in after digging them up.  Poor little things.
Here's two of them today having just been pruned a bit.  Bigger pots and growing nicely.

And the other three... growing tall and full.  Before long the lowest flowering branches will be above where the stinkin' rabbits can get to them and I'll move them out front.  I may not rush to do this because I kind of like driving up to the garage area and seeing them.
These two might be the ones I fretted over most.  Both of these are transplants from down near the front of the property.  The closer one was nothing more than a dead-looking stalk with no real roots and I was so glad to see the first new growth appear a few weeks ago.  Now, doing pretty good.  The one further down was my first attempt to plant a cutting and it too is growing well now.  These two are in front of the house across the driveway so finally I have something descent to look at in that area.
Having trimmed the bushes back I now have these yellow flowers growing pretty well along the edge of the front grass.

More of them growing on the right side of the driveway...

... and the left side.

See?  Both sides :)

Orange things that I think are day-lillies up closer to the house..

.. and back near the garage area.  That's my two new butterfly bushes growing nicely in the grey pots.  They too will have to go into the ground before too long.

That's it... the horicultural report as of June 3, 2013.  Once I decide on putting this potted stuff into the ground I will let you know.  I know all my readers just can't wait :)

1 comment:

  1. Looking over the last couple of posts, the yard is really looking good!
