
Friday, October 28, 2011

Late October Roses

You've seen the Knockout Rose bushes before if you've followed this blog but I just had to send a few more pictures.  Last fall or early this spring we really, really cut these bushes down.  They were quite gnarly and twisted and all that and we hacked the hell out of them.  This summer they grew big and full.  Anyway, they're beautiful and even though it's overcast and there's no sun beaming brightly on the flowers, I took these shots anyway.
The bushes I shot are at the bottom of the driveway on either side, 3 per side.  You have to take my word for it that there are 3 per side because you can't see the ones being blocked out by the crepe myrtles.

Are these beautiful?!?!?  A close up of one of the bushes.  Too bad they have no scent at all.

I took this shot just to try to show how bright these suckers are.  No sunshine on them in these shots!

And another blossom.  They almost have a luminescence about them.  I love these things!  There's another large bush up near the front entryway... just as lush and full.  OK... that's it... enjoy :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

October Ride

Due to stuff, all kinds of stuff, most all of it very good, I am not getting out on the motorcycle like I used to but today was a wonderful exception.  Anyway, it was a bright, cool morning and after a bit of waking up I took off headed for the Talladega National Forest over in Alabama.  I wanted to get there straight away so I jumped on the interstate and just had at it.  It's a great ride because once in the area, and on the entire way back, the scenery is just beautiful.  Mountains... trees... little towns... great roads... and almost no traffic at all.  It was kind of interesting riding in the forest today.  The last time I made a ride over there I was on the ST and as was my habit, I rode pretty quick and pretty hard.  Today, on the cruiser, it seemed to be a more enjoyable ride just loping along and enjoying myself greatly.  There are some difficult roads but I had no problem at all and I do think I actually enjoyed the ride more.  Go figure :)  A good day all around and definitely a route I would take my Chicago friends on.
Somewhere pretty soon after getting into the park on Hwy 281.  I had nothing to rest the camera on else I'd be in the picture!  Of course, cameras just don't capture the expanse of a view like this.

I made a point of stopping at every scenic overlook provided.  This is a bit further into the park.  I was headed to those peaks in the background, and I made it.  I forget the name of the place at the top but according to the sign, it's the highest elevation in Alabama.  Whatever... pretty it is.

Can you tell it was a clear day.  If not for that one stinkin' bird... looks like a dirt spec on your monitor... there would be a whole lot of nothing in the warm and incredibly blue sky today.