
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lost and Found

Oh my goodness... what a wonderful day in Georgia this was!  Temperature around 68... mix of sun and clouds... no wind to speak of... one perfect day to be out and about on a motorcycle.  I've been somewhat challenged down here to find my way around this state without getting so lost I'd never be found.  Unlike Illinois which I knew pretty well, and Connecticut which was just so small you couldn't get lost because you'd soon hit a border or the ocean, Georgia is big.  For the geographically challenged, such as myself, it might come as a suprise to know that Georgia is the biggest state east of the Mississippi.  Similar to Connecticut is the fact that the roads twist pretty good here and nothing really runs parallel, or perpendicular, to anything else.  So... I went ahead and got myself a GPS for the bikes and today was my first day going out with it mounted.  I'd call it a rather large succes because I turned onto roads without concern about having to find out where I was just to figure a way to get home.  I had to make some adjustments, like wearing my glasses just so I could see/read the thing... contacts in order?  I've also got to work on raising it up a bit higher so I'm not looking down.  Forget hearing it... ain't gonna happen.  But, I'm rather happy about it.  I roamed all around feeling good and that was the objective.  I will continue to create and use my little route cards that I've been using all along, but with the GPS unit, I don't have to look for road signs quite so much because I can see them coming up.

Because of this roaming around and such I found myself having a pretty good time.  I got up into the mountains that are actually south of me and of pretty good size.  None of the roads that I've been riding on have much traffic but the back roads I was on today had none... as in none.  All in all, a wonderful day.
The VTX all alone on the side of the road.  Why no one else was up here enjoying this view was beyond me but that's the way it was.

As you know, pictures just don't do 'big' camera shots justice and this is no exception.  This was a tremendous panorama looking down over some clearings, a lake or two, and just miles and miles of land.

I love this shot and it's the best I can do to let you see what I was looking at... the horizon, uninterrupted!  Click on it to make it bigger... go on... you'll love it.

Happy fellow :)  Note the mesh jacket on Novermber 21st !!

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