Well, it was a beautiful, bright November 7th in GA albeit a bit on the cool side but that just set things up for my first cool weather ride in quite some time. What with the interviewing for my new position late last year and then the move down here in late February I've not had any opportunity at all to ride in weather like I used to ride in back in Chicago. It was about 43 degrees out when I left the house and I'm happy to say I remembered how to dress for the cold ride. I took off heading north kind of meandering around to get up there with the purpose being to find some of the fall colors I keep hearing about in northern GA. I looked and looked and while there were indeed some colors besides green, they really were kind of dull looking and nothing to get overly excited about. I guess I was a bit spoiled living up in CT though where people come from everywhere just to get on a tour bus and look at the leaves. Sheesh! It didn't really matter because I had a wonderful day out and about, found some beautiful new roads, and enjoyed one in particular that I had been on before and very much enjoy riding. I did remember my camera this time -- just for you, Jane -- and although, as said, the color isn't very rich, this is the GA foliage in November. Check out that sky though!

This is just some abandoned property that caught my eye as I was on a bit of a side road. Must have been pretty nice at one time with a cabin up there behind the tree on the left and some kind of a pavilion for outside activities. Nice indeed.
That's it... about all the color that you're going to see in the mountains I was in today. But look at that sky!!
One more chance to see the color. If you click on the photo to make it bigger, and then squint just a bit, you can kind of make out some red in the trees in the foreground. Might take a bit more than squinting :)
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