I've mentioned a number of times that the lower end of the driveway -- the first 75 feet -- is quite steep, difficult to stand on, and more difficult to walk up and down. Those who have driven up it for the first time invariably remark something like "I couldn't see the driveway over the hood!!!" Well, that's what the bushes are for. Keep yourself between the bushes and you'll do just fine. You can't see the hood because not only is it steep, the drive itself is not flat... more like driving up the outside of a giant ball. You get the picture :) It does get less steep after those first 75 feet and it kind of levels off up at the top. That's all I cared about and my wonderful, talented, and fun real estate agents, Ava and Tatiana, did just fine in all regards getting me this place. But, I'm sure those who have not driven/walked on it say to themselves "Well, it can't be THAT steep." So, without some gadget to measure grade I did the best I could to give you a very good illustration of just how steep it really is. I took a measuring cup, filled it about halfway with water, and put in some food coloring so you could see it. I put it on the driveway, laid down next to it which must have looked funny to anyone that might have seen me doing it, and snapped some pictures. I think it tells the story pretty good.

Now, you tilt your head to the left so your eyes are kind of aligned with the bottom of the measuring cup and take a look at that angle! I'm guessing 40 degrees. I told you it was hard to stand on it to work!
I put a board across the top of the measuring cup figuring that lining up the bottom of the board with the water line would give a better view of the angle. I played hell just trying to keep the board from sliding off the cup. Anyway, now you can tilt your head to the right to align with the water level, then look at the bottom edge of the board. Tilting your head left or right doesn't matter. It's steep :)
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