Progress has been made on the 'Corral' project. Planted some perennials to put in the lower tier and got those planted. I took out the drainage channel I had put in, dug a trench through the rocks, and buried some tubing so now that's done. I also put down some grass seed in yet another attempt to get new grass to grow in this god-forsaken dirt of Georgia. This time I went out and bought some of that over-priced 'grass growing' dirt figuring I'd pull out all the stops. Well, there is new grass growing!! Yippee!! I've been a good boy and kept the soil moist and said prayers every night to the grass gods and I guess it's having a positive effect. Also happy that the hydrangea is recovering nicely from having been traumatized with the replanting and being put in a much sunnier spot. It's gotten plenty of water and these first several days I've covered it with a light sheet from about 11 AM to 3 PM. The last couple of days we've had some clouds and a bit of rain and that has helped also. So... the progress is all good... so far.

Ta da!! That green stuff amid the black stuff on the ground is new grass coming in. Granted, it's not a new grandchild or the like but it's still pretty exciting to us. The yellow thing draped on the pickets is a light sheet we use to cover the hydrangea at times.
The new look with the drainage tubing buried, flowers in the lower tier, and everything growing wonderfully!
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