
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Grandkids & Snow

Well, what with it being winter and all it's been a rather slow period for blog posts I admit but there are a couple of events worth memorializing here.  The first is to report that I got over to see the kids for a visit of about a week during which I got to meet Joshua for the first time.  Without question he is a most handsome young man and from all appearances is quite healthy and getting a good start on life.  He's also a big boy!  I was expecting him to be walking and talking at 4 weeks of age but I settled for his being awake every now and then... it was enough :)  Hannah continues her wonderful ways of being a most delightful little lady and seems to be doing a terrific job of being the best big sister to both of her siblings now.  Riley continues to develop as Riley :)

I am certainly a grandpa with many things to be happy about.
The other happening came to the area yesterday... snow.  I spent some time during the day watching the greater Atlanta become totally paralyzed over 1.8" of snow.  I do mean paralyzed with many stories last night and this morning of 12-hour drives home, people still stuck in their cars on the roads this morning, and many school children having spent the night in their schools.  Both the governor and the mayor stated that the storm was "unexpected" during their pass-the-blame news conferences.  Evidently the two of them were in Bermuda or somewhere else as they were the only 2 people in the south who didn't get a multi-day warning of the storm coming in.  Sorry... I really, really hate buck-passing politicians.  (Is there one who is not?) 
Anyway, there was reason to smile a bit right in my front yard.  After dinner last night I noticed activity on my driveway which was rather surprising in itself.  Quick observation through the window and the activity was plainly visible... a good-sized group of kids were sledding down my driveway.  I thought this was so cool as I have often thought about what a perfect sledding venue it would be.  I went out on the front porch and after assuring them I was not chasing them away I spent a pretty good amount of time just watching them.  I figure there were maybe 10-12 kids in all.  Not having ever seen many kids in the neighborhood I was a bit taken by the number.  I really, really wanted to get out there and join them but I've got a pretty good cold and figured it wasn't the most prudent thing to do.  It was fun watching though and I just wish those grandkids of mine were here to join in.  Going down the drive and down the street for a pretty good ways was the easy part... walking back up was proving more of a challenge for the group but they all seemed to be having a good time and I had a good time watching them!
The view of the sledding area the morning after.  They would make it up to the top of the 'cliff' part of the driveway, get on their saucers or whatever you call sleds today, then rip down the drive going pretty much to the end of this picture.  It really is a great sledding hill :)  At one point while watching the kids play I suggested that 2 kids go down on the same sled because it would go faster and a couple took me up on my suggestion.  Of course they set the record for furthest and fastest trip and they all thought I was a genius or something.  "Wow mister... that's great!"  From then on it was pretty much 2-kid sledding thrills had by all.  I wanted to go down soooooooooo bad!
This morning's look around answered part of the question where all the kids came from.  Many tracks in the snow from behind my house, so to speak.  I guess the driveway is known for good times in years gone by when 3 children lived in the house I'm now in.

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