
Saturday, October 26, 2013


A couple of weeks ago I drove up to visit with Mom and had a most delightful 9-day stay with her.  At 91 3/4 years of age she continues to be an alert, caring, thoughtful and absolutely delightful person in every regard.  I know... I know... lots of good moms out there but my mom just happens to be the best of them.   We played a lot of cards, got in a single game of Scrabble, and talked a whole bunch.  I guess I should have taken dozens more photos but alas, these will have to suffice as a pictorial journal of the visit.

The last time mom called me to rescue her she had fallen down the basement steps and broken her hip.  This time the summons was for something a bit less dramatic, but necessary nonetheless.  While getting dolled up to go out she had managed to hook the thin chain of her necklace into her earring and couldn't free it by herself.  She remained a good sport while I went back for my camera to document the tragedy.

We talked... a lot.  We chatted about so many things and she remains a good listener and advisor.

She loves hearing stories about what is going on in everyone's life and the happiness she shows is obvious.

And the laughs... and laughs... and laughs!!  I don't remember the last time I laughed until I cried but it happened several times during this visit.  I miss this... a lot :)

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