On Christmas morning I unwrapped a gift that had been made for me by my incredibly talented grand daughters. I found an assortment of wood pieces that had been hand painted by the little artists tied up with some string. Well, I had no idea what the collection was but what with the string and all I figured I was supposed to make some kind of hanging decoration or something like that. I left the pieces alone for a bit and then later in the day, wanting to play with my Christmas 'toy' I figured I'd make a collage out of the pieces. I took to arranging them this way and that and decided upon a configuration I liked and glued the pieces together. Before too long I got a call from the kids asking how I liked the puzzle. What puzzle?? Then I cracked up because I had never thought of it being a puzzle and now that it was glued together I'd never see it assembled. Silly Grandpa. Things happen... got to go with the flow. So, here is my puzzle-collage!

The now-known-to-be puzzle pieces, glued and clamped into what I thought would be a good looking arrangement. Great to have something to play with on Christmas morning!
After attaching a little hanger to the back and regluing a couple pieces that had come off as I hammered on the hanger my hand-made puzzle-collage hanging on the wall. Nice :)
And now my breakfast area looks to much the better, what with a glaring empty space now being occupied with the new art piece. Thanks Hannah and Riley... it's wonderful !! Of course I will always be wondering if I could have figured out the puzzle and what it would have looked like :)