Maybe because of the wet summer followed by a wet winter... don't know... but whatever the reason my back lawn became covered in moss. The dirt... what they call dirt down here in Georgia... is really crap and is more clay than dirt so maybe that contributed to the situation as well. Regardless, the stuff had to go. I did learn that to kill it you can spray it with dish soap so I did that a couple of weeks ago and it did work somewhat. Now I have to get it torn out so today I started. I got through maybe a third of the yard this afternoon and that wore my arms out enough to let me know that I am not going to like going after the other two thirds. Stinkin' moss!!
I wasn't kidding when I said it was covered in this crap. That pile is what I pulled in a section as long as the dethatching rake.
Looks like sod, doesn't it? My son David suggested that I just let it become my lawn. If it happens again, I just may take his suggestion!