Made it up to visit mom for Christmas and it was very nice. It had been 6 years since I had a Christmas with mom; 12 years since I had spent Christmas with David; the very first time I spent Christmas with Samantha and the first time to spend Christmas with the grandkids... Hannah and Riley. Pretty good, all around I would say :)
Grandma with all the grandkids and great-grandkids, save one. Karen is now residing in England and was not present for the day. Other than Karen, everyone was together for the first time in a while, for sure.
It's my blog so I get to post the pictures I want and I like this photo. Samantha, David, Riley and Hannah :)
Riley was doing so much better than when I had last seen her. Her post-surgery healing process continues but she has become a pretty normal little girl who laughs and smiles in ways to make anyone laugh and smile. I wanted to get some photos of her and I did take a bunch. I guess that explains why she flipped me the 'bird' when I kept telling her to look my way!
Around the house things are moving along all right and I'm including a couple of fun photos just because they were fun to take.
The wreath above the TV was given by David and Samantha and is a wreath put together by David made from sheets of paper from an old hymnal. It's really quite incredible. I'd been wanting something for this wall since I moved in and this fits perfectly and is very, very nice.
Finally, I add this one. I went down to put something into the mailbox one night a week or so ago. It was very foggy/misty but not at all cold. On the way down the driveway I just looked up at the house and it looked so neat, what with the foggy look and the full moon hanging over the house. I ran for the camera to take some photos. Click on this one for sure... I think it's kind of neat.
That's it. I do wish all a wonderful, happy, healthy and properous 2012. There's already talk about some exciting changes on the horizon and we can all strive to handle the planned events, and the unplanned ones, as best we possibly can. Happy New Year :)