
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Oh So Eco-Friendly

As anyone who knows me knows, I'm extremely aware that protecting the environment and doing what I can to keep the earth a wonderful place for my grandchildren is very high on my list... not.  Regardless, I decided to get a rain barrel.  So, I ordered one and yesterday the thing came in.  I made a base and then a table/support for it and today I finished the install.  I have to admit that I'm petty excited about seeing what the thing is going to do as far as catching water.
The place I figured it would go.  Because of the lousy clay-type dirt in this area it has a flooding problem when it rains.  Hopefully the barrel will alleviate some of that as well.  Turned out that I included redirecting the downspout 180 degrees, heading it to flow down the driveway, when I finished getting the barrel set up.

And the 'after' shot with the barrel resting happily in its new location ready to catch all that free water.

The top is kind of neat.  It allowed for planting flowers in the top :)

And a progress shot of the new garden area.  The little grass seedlings are sprouting happily and the plants all seem to be doing well.  The hydrangea is doing very well and seems to be completely over the trauma it suffered when I unceremoniously ripped it from the only home it had ever known.  I haven't covered it during the day for about a week now so that little protection gesture is likely no longer needed. 


  1. Yeah! You have a WATER BUTT! LOL That's what we Brits call them...happy watering, Karen x

    1. A water butt?!?!? A barrel is a butt?!?!? What do they call a butt? A barrel? "Wow... look at the barrel on that one!"

  2. That's a really pretty rain barrel, I like the planter top.
